Vatican 2020

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Vatican 2020

Publié par administrateur dans 2020 · Mercredi 22 Jan 2020 ·  1:15
                                                  Programme numismatique du Vatican pour cette année 2020

01.  Coin Card 2020
02.  Euro coin set BU Version
03.  Euro coin set BU Version with 5 Euro Bimetallic Coin “250th anniversary of the Birth of Ludwig van Beethoven”
04.  Euro coin set Proof Version with the 20 Euro silver coin “Pope Francis Year MMXX”
05.  Euro coin set Proof Version with the 50 Euro gold coin “Pope Francis Year MMXX
06 10 Euro Copper Coin - Art and Faith: the Pietà (BU and Proof Version )
07.  2 Euro Commemorative Bimetallic Coin   “Centenary of the birth of Saint John Paul II” (BU and Proof Version)
08.  2 Euro Commemorative Bimetallic Coin   “5th Centenary of the death of Raffaello” (BU and Proof Version)
09.  5 Euro Commemorative Bimetallic Coin   “250th anniversary of the Birth of Ludwig van Beethoven” (BE version)
10.  10 Euro gold Commemorative Coin “Baptism - MMXX”
11.  100 Euro gold Commemorative Coin “The Apostolic Constitutions of the 2nd Vatican Council: “Dei Verbum”
12.  5 Euro silver Commemorative Coin (Proof Version and with gold) “World Day of Migrants and Refugees”
13.  10 Euro silver Commemorative Coin (Proof Version and with gold) “50th Anniversary of the World Day of Earth”
14.  20 Euro gold Commemorative Coin “Acts of Apostles: the Mission to Macedonia, Greece and Asia Minor”
15.  50 Euro gold Commemorative Coin “Acts of Apostles: Paul Witness of Christ”
16.  200 Euro gold Commemorative Coin “The Archangels: Gabriel”

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